A company born in a time of recession to ensure these mistakes never happen again

LoopingCloud offers the largest selection of Real Estate Products and Services on one website, for every participant, from residential, commercial, businesses, independent and corporate franchises to business-to-business partnerships, investment and auction opportunities.

LoopingCloud goes further, to provide you with additional opportunities such as financing, business services, and material resources on each listing. The participant can conduct paramount due diligence by using the professional services that are available through our website.

Simply put, transactional networking represents the next level of business that is going to leverage the Internet. Our on-line market place and infrastructure will allow you to get ahead, and stay ahead of the competition. We provide the opportunity and you provide the strategy.



With vast experience in real estate and software development, we are here to connect the dots

We are a growth-oriented company that is on the forefront of changing how data is gathered, analyzed, and used in building transactional networks throughout the world.

The professionals behind our company have been working together for over 15 years in technology development, creative finance, entrepreneurship, real estate, mortgage, private fund investment, auctions, and franchising. We began to meet and brainstorm about how, collectively, services and opportunities could be accessed by professionals throughout the country. These conversations were the impetus for the development of LoopingCloud. As the American dream dictates, from a virtual garage LoopingCloud began and the rest shall become history.

We will bring together numerous professionals in the real estate industry for the primary purpose of completing efficient and effective transactions through networking and collaborative efforts.

We are a virtual “information center” that offers large selections of real estate products and services for entrepreneurs, business professionals, investors, builders, and future conglomerates. The “under-one-roof” movement reduces costs, and makes it easier for participants to access a range of products and services, and grow their business.



Where there is a will, there is a way

Our company believes in leverage through transactional networking. Having viable information at your fingertips allows the professional to begin the due diligence process expeditiously and leverage viable information in order to make “informed decisions.”

Those informed decisions allow the professional an opportunity to reduce risk. No matter how it is viewed, informed decision-making is the cornerstone to consistent success. The true empowerment today is at your fingertips, so once the strategy is formulated the rest is up to you.



Steering the course of the future through experience, creativity and vision

The responsibility of management is immeasurable and these are the TRUE captains of the ship, the people that must steer the ship through difficult storms. Our management team consists of professionals that have made it through many business related challenges. They represent every product, service, and opportunity provided through the LoopingCloud platform. Those challenges faced have allowed our management the experience to anticipate challenges and form into one Solutionist team. They are here for the participant. We are positive that this team is going to bring us to the forefront and take us beyond any expectations, because they are PROVEN.



Many dots, one connection

Extensive research has gone into our core platform, the listing. Identifying the key decision-making factors in these transactions, we have compiled a comprehensive list that encompasses all types and availabilities of listings. This was just the start, with this unified umbrella of listings; we have brought in financial, business and material resources to engage listings with creative opportunities.

It was honestly a challenge in keeping this simple yet flexible and as time and feedback grows, so will our features. Finally, to tie it all together, we have created a shopping cart type soft offer engine for submission, negotiation and closing. With this comprehensive site, creative approaches, and participant growth, we expect LoopingCloud to become the choice of those who want to be successful in the Real Estate transaction business.


Listing Services


Commercial Listings

Commercial Real Estate can ultimately provide the highest return on investment in our business. The goal of LoopingCloud is to create a partnership with our participants; we do this by providing viable and accessible information. Our “all-under-one-roof” environment allows subscribers to become informed decision-makers which is the foundation of intelligent and profitable negotiation. Our services are convenient, accessible and personalized.

Residential Listings

Each residential listing provides comprehensive, detailed information about each property, so buyers can have a clear picture of the complexities associated with a given property. We have specialized listing accounts for Real Estate Agents and for Private Owners. Relators have multiple listings per account and benefit from having an inventory of properties. Private owners can list per property without having the cost of a multiple listing account to consider.

Business Listings

The acquisition of a business can involve inventory, real estate, contracts, and so on. Having the opportunity to work within our system assists the buyer in confirming what is actually involved in the transaction. Being able to access and, later, verify that assets associated with a business acquisition will lead to increased growth for those willing to systematically include our platform in their analysis.

Franchise Listings

Franchise opportunities exist from small to large, each with specific criteria from the governing entity. LoopingCloud shall provide members with information that ranges from how to obtain a franchise to funds that will assist in the acquisition, management, training, and growth of a franchise investment.

Auction Listings

LoopingCloud works directly with financial institutions, lenders, homebuyers, investors, developers, suppliers and private parties. LoopingCloud gives you the tool to conduct your own online auctions throughout the United States. These transactions range from live auctions, online, ballroom bidders and webcast platforms. LoopingCloud has searchable listings of homes, commercial properties and auctions across the United States. Each listing provides you with comprehensive details about each property to give you a clear picture of what features and amenities are included.

NOTE: All auction listings MUST adhere to their state requirements.

B2B Opportunity and Partnership

Business-to-Business commerce transactions are the exchange of products, services, and/or information between businesses. LoopingCloud B2B platform provides the necessary tools available to facilitate Business-to-Business transactions. Our professionals will provide the technology and strategies essential to complete smooth and effective transactional networking. We even will go as far as organizing the initial meeting with potential partners.


Financial Services


For Private Lenders

Investment groups and private equity lenders, referred to as hard money lenders, provide entrepreneurs with much needed cash to bring their visions and dreams to reality. Criteria will vary, however, just imagine that you have access to funds via the click of a button.

Commercial Lenders

Commercial lenders such as banks and FDIC insured lenders are more steadfast to their criteria for lending money. However, given the rising economic competitive environment and your relationship with various institutions, deals are constantly being made with institutional lenders at competitive rates.

Government/SBA Loans

Government/SBA loans are criteria specific, however, their criteria is somewhat less unwavering compared to other lenders. Usually, meeting their criteria means that interest rates are competitive and require less money down. If the entrepreneur can demonstrate viability in their business plan the SBA will back their idea as they seek funds from other institutions.

Business Services

LoopingCloud will provide members with an opportunity to access professionals from across the country who specialize in various aspects of real estate from plumbing to drywall; to business consulting and financing. We believe that this is what makes our website unique and most valuable to entrepreneurs, investors, business professionals, or those interested in growth and success.


Material Providers

Raw material providers who can supply in bulk and recurring shipments are an invaluable commodity in the business world. Participants can utilize their resources for sale or partnership. By working with listings where there is a need for these materials in construction or execution of a business contract, material providers can create additional relationships and sources of income. Materials will become available in geographical regions or through bulk acquisitions. This is a valuable resource to have available when considering costs associated with a transaction.